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English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

The Order of Readings for Washing-time 

Before beginning prayer, start with these words: 
And you shall warn the Sons of Yishraael from their impurity, 
and that they will not die in their impurity.’ 

Upon the hands: 
Shehmaa will command the blessing 
upon you in your barn 
and in all that you put your hands to.’ 
My Master, bless me in all my work and in all that I put my hands to, 
My Master, in Your holy tranquility for ever and ever. 

Upon the mouth: 
Every mouth which has speech 
will announce Your praise, 
from heart and from soul. 

Upon the nose: 
And breath entered his nostrils, the breath of life; 
And man became a living soul.’ 

Upon the face: 

We announce and say: 
There is no god but the One! 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!* 
There is no god but the One! 

I have faith in You, Shehmaa, 

and in Mooshe son of ‘Aamraam Your servant, 

and in the Holy Toorah, 

and in Aargaareezem the House of El, 

chosen, holy, choice of lands. 

There is no god but the One! 
And I will testify for the Day of Vengeance and complete truth forever, 
There is no god but the One! 
Upon it we live, and upon it we die, and upon it we stand, 
between Your holy Hands, 
from the adored and beloved, 
ah, Aadaanee Shehmaa! 

SP Leviticus 15:31 — aalaak "And a Man or a Woman", kissa 16 
SP Deuteronomy 28:8 — aalaak "This is the Day", kissa 4 
SP Genesis 2:7 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 8 
SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 


English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

Upon the ears: 

And do what is right in His sight, 
and give ear to His commandments, 
and keep all His statutes, 
[and] I will put none of the diseases on you 
which I have put on the Missrems. 
For I, Shehmaa, am your healer.° 

Aadaanee Shehmaa, heal us from all sickness! 

Upon the legs: 
And Mooshe, Aahrron, and his sons 
would wash their hands and their feet with water from it. 
Whenever they went into the tabernacle of meeting, 
and when they came near the altar, they washed, 
as Shehmaa had commanded Mooshe.° 

Peace of Shehmaa upon the prophet, 
The righteous, the innocent, the pure, the faithful Mooshe. 
Innocent from all defect, 
No prophet is like him, 
We seek his prayers in this world and the next, 
ah, Aadaanee Shehmaa! 

5 SP Exodus 15:26 — aalaak "And Mooshe Led", kissa 1 
6 SP Exodus 40:31—32 — aalaak "And He Made the Boards", kissa 29 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

The Daily Prayer for Morning and Evening 

The worshiper stands and faces the chosen place, Aargaareezem the House of El, the holiest of holy places. 
He falls on his face to the ground, bowing, and says in a whisper: 

My Master, I ask You in Your compassion to accept from us, 
and forgive our sins, 
through the act of our righteous prophet and in the merit of our foundation, 
that You are our Eloowwem and the Eloowwem of our forefathers. 
My Master, we will never bow down to anything but You, 
nor have faith in anything but You, 
and in Mooshe Your prophet, 
and in Your true scripture, 
and in the place of our worship, Aargaareezem the House of FI. 

Stand up at these words: 

The mountain of rest and inheritance and dwelling, 
and on the Day of Vengeance and Completion. 


Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!’ 

Alone, for great is His goodness and mercy! 
I stood between Your hands, 
I seek Your compassion and mercy, 
I will speak before You, ah, Aadaanee, from heart and from soul. 

Raise one’s voice at these words: 

We announce and say: 
There is no god but the One! 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!® 
There is no god but the One! 
Lauded is our Eloowwem, lauded is our Eloowwem, lauded is our Eloowwem! 
Shehmaa, Il, compassionate, and gracious, long-patient Face, 
and abounding in loving-kindness and truth.’ 

Bow down at these words: 
For I proclaim in the name of Shehmaa, 
and ascribe greatness to our Eloowwem."° 

Sit at these words: 
The Sor. His work is perfect, 
For all His ways are just, 

SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 
SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 
SP Exodus 34:6 — aalaak "And He Gave to Mooshe", kissa 11 

0 SP Deuteronomy 32:3 — aalaak "And It Shall Be When All Have Come Upon", kissa 12 part 3 


English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

Ils faithfulness, and without injustice, 
Righteous and upright is He."* 

Bow down again at these words: 
Blessed be our Eloowwem forever, 
and blessed be His Name forever. 
The Creator be praised for what He has created! 
In the beginning Eloowwem created the heavens and the earth.” 

Sit at these words: 
And the earth was formless and void, 
and darkness was over the surface of the deep. 
And the Spirit of Eloowwem was moving over the surface of the waters. 
And Eloowwem said, Let there be light. 
And there was light. 
And Eloowwem saw that the light was good. 
And Eloowwem separated the light from the darkness. 
And Eloowwem called the light day, and the darkness He called night. 
And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” 
Blessed is our Eloowwem and praised is our Eloowwem, 
and exalted is our Eloowwem, holy is our Eloowwem, 
for His power in heaven and on earth is blessed! 
No power will arise but His power, 
No work like His work. 
Bless Him who is blessed, 
Bless our Eloowwem forever, 
and bless His name forever. 
There is none like the El of Yaashaaron.“* 
Lauded is Eloowwem, 
there is no god but the One, 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!” 
And Eloowwem said, 
Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters... 
And Eloowwem called the expanse heavens. 
And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.’® 
Lauded is Eloowwem, 
there is no god but the One, 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!"” 

11 SP Deuteronomy 32:4 — aalaak "And It Shall Be When All Have Come Upon", kissa 12 part 3 
12 SP Genesis 1:1 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 1 

13 SP Genesis 1:2—5 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 1 

14 SP Deuteronomy 33:26 — aalaak "And It Shall Be When All Have Come Upon", kissa 21 

15 SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

16 SP Genesis 1:6, 8 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 2 

17 SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

And Eloowwem said, 
Let the waters be gathered... 
And Eloowwem said, Let the earth sprout vegetation... 
And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.”® 
Lauded is Eloowwem, 
there is no god but the One, 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!” 
And Eloowwem said, 
Let there be lights... 
And Eloowwem made the two lights... 
And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.” 
Lauded is Eloowwem, 
there is no god but the One, 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!** 
And Eloowwem said, 
Let the waters teem... 
And Eloowwem blessed them... 
And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.” 
Lauded is Eloowwem, 
there is no god but the One, 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!” 
And Eloowwem said, 
Let the earth bring forth... 
And Eloowwem said, Let Us make man... 
And Eloowwem created man... 
And Eloowwem blessed them... 
And Eloowwem said, Behold, I have given you... 
And Eloowwem saw all that He had made, 
and behold, it was very good. 
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” 
And in the sixth day Eloowwem completed His work...” 
And Shehmaa Eloowwem formed man of sand from the ground, 
and breath entered his nostrils, the breath of life. 
And man became a living soul.” 
Blessed is our Eloowwem and praised is our Eloowwem, 

18 SP Genesis 1:9, 11, 13 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 3 

19 SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

20 SP Genesis 1:14, 16, 19 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 4 

21 SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

22 SP Genesis 1:20, 22, 23 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 5 

23 SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

24 SP Genesis 1:24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 6 
25 SP Genesis 2:2 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 7 

26 SP Genesis 2:7 — aalaak "In the Beginning", kissa 8 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

and exalted is our Eloowwem, holy is our Eloowwem, 
for His power in heaven and on earth is blessed! 
No power will arise but His power, 

No work like His work. 

Bless Him who is blessed, 

Bless our Eloowwem forever, 

and bless His name forever. 

There is none like the El of Yaashaaron.”’ 
Lauded is Eloowwem, 

there is no god but the One, 

Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!”*® 

Bow down and stand at these words: 

For I proclaim in the name of Shehmaa, 
and ascribe greatness to our Eloowwem. 
The Sor. His work is perfect, 
For all His ways are just, 
Ils faithfulness, and without injustice, 
Righteous and upright is He.” 

Bless our Eloowwem forever, 

and bless His name forever. 
For our own good we ask Your mercy, 
with Your goodness and Your compassion and Your mercies 
fill us up, 
to guard Your guarding, Your precepts 
and Your commandments and Your laws all days. 

Lauded is Eloowwem, 

there is no god but the One, 

Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!*° 

And read this catena of verses: 
And Shehmaa spoke to Mooshe, saying 
Speak to Aahrron and to his sons, saying, 
That is the way you shall bless the Sons of Yishraael. 
You shall say to them, 
Shehmaa will bless you and will keep you. 
Shehmaa will make His face radiant upon you, and will be merciful to you. 
Shehmaa will lift up His Faces towards you, and give you peace. 
And you shall bestow My Name on the Sons of Yishraael, 
and I will bless them.” 

27 SP Deuteronomy 33:26 — aalaak "And It Shall Be When All Have Come Upon", kissa 21 

28 SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

29 SP Deuteronomy 32:3-4 — aalaak "And It Shall Be When All Have Come Upon", kissa 12 part 3 
30 SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

31 SP Numbers 6:22-27 — aalaak "Speak to Aahron", kissa 1 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

And you shall be remembered before Shehmaa your Eloowwem, 
and be saved from your enemies. 

on appointed holidays on new moons 

And in the day of your rejoicings and in your feasts... and on the firsts of your months... 

and they shall be as a reminder for you before Shehmaa your Eloowwem. 
Iam Shehmaa your Eloowwem.* 

Praised be our Master the Foremost! 

Praised be the Merciful who never nullifies! 

Praised be Eloowwem! 

There is no god but the One! 

Bow down: 
Hear, Yishraael! Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 
And you shall love Shehmaa your Eloowwem 
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.* 

And sit: 

And these words, 

which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 

And you shall teach them diligently to your sons, 

and shall talk of them 

when you sit in the house, 

when you walk by the way, 

when you lie down, and when you rise up. 

And you shall bind them as a sign on your hands 

and they shall be as memory between your eyes. 

And you shall write them on the door sides of your houses and in your gates.” 
And Shehmaa commanded us to do all these statutes, 
to fear Shehmaa our Eloowwem 
for our good all the days, 
and to give us life, as it is today. 

And it will be righteousness for us 

if we shall keep to do all this commandment 
before Shehmaa our Eloowwem, 

as He commanded us.” 

Mooshe has commanded us a Toorah, 

A possession of the assembly of Yaaqob.*° 
There is none like the El of Yaashaaron.”’ 

32 SP Numbers 10:9—10 — aalaak "Speak to Aahron", kissa 24 

33 SP Deuteronomy 6:4—5 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

34 SP Deuteronomy 6:6—9 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

35 SP Deuteronomy 6:24—25 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 39 

36 SP Deuteronomy 33:4 — aalaak "And It Shall Be When All Have Come Upon", kissa 15 
37 SP Deuteronomy 33:26 — aalaak "And It Shall Be When All Have Come Upon", kissa 21 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

Lauded is our Eloowwem! 

Shehmaa, Il, compassionate, and gracious, 

Forgive your people Yishrrel bowing down to Aargaareezem, 
whom You rescued, Shehmaa. 

There is no god but the One! 
There is no god but the One! 

And bow down prostrate three times, according to the day of the week, 
and at the end of every portion say, Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

Sunday Morning: 

1. Iam unworthy of all the loving kindness 

and of all the faithfulness which You have shown to Your slave.* 
2. And he blessed me — And he blessed Yoosef and said, 

Eloowwem before whom my fathers Abraahm and Yesaahq walked. 

The Eloowwem who has been my shepherd since I was to this day, 

The king who has redeemed me from all evil.*” 
3. Deep within us is the sorrow, but the solace is near. 

And You, to exalt You, Eloowwem who does not change, 

And one who seeks any other than You 

will search and never find it.”° 

For Your salvation I hoped, Shehmaa,”* 

From Il of your father who helps you; 

Il Sheeddee who blesses you.” 

Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

Sunday Evening: 
1. And they will say to me, What is His name. 
What shall I say to them?” 
Exalted be the Holy Name! 
And Eloowwem said to Mooshe, Ehyyee Eshaar Ehyyee.™. 
2. Blessed is He who said: I am Shehmaa. 
And I was envisioned unto Abraahm, and to Yesaahq, and to Yaagqob, as Il Sheeddee, 
but by My name, Shehmaa, I did not make Myself known to them.” 
3. And that you may tell in the hearing of your son, and of your grandson... 
that you may know that I am Shehmaa your Eloowwem.” 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

SP Genesis 32:11 — aalaak "And Yaaqob Arose", kissa 10 

SP Genesis 48:15 — aalaak "II Sheeddee", kissa 3 

from Stanza 3 of the liturgical poems attributed to Marge, per Z. Ben Hayyim, The Literary and Oral Tradition of 
Hebrew and Aramaic Amongst the Samaritans (Jerusalem, 1967), p. 288 

SP Genesis 49:18 — aalaak "II Sheeddee", kissa 10 

SP Genesis 49:25 — aalaak "Yoosef is Fruitful", kissa 1 

SP Exodus 3:13 — aalaak "And These Are the Names", kissa 8 

SP Exodus 3:14 — aalaak "And These Are the Names", kissa 9 

SP Exodus 6:2—3 — aalaak "And These Are the Names", kissa 20 

SP Exodus 10:2 — aalaak "When He Will Speak", kissa 19 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

Monday Morning: 
1. Shehmaa will fight for you while you keep silent.”” 
2. My Strength and my song and He has become my salvation. 
This is my JI, and I will praise Him. 
My father is Eloowwem, and I will extol Him. 
Shehmaa, hero in war, 
Shehmaa is His name!* Bless His name! 
3. And do what is right in His sight and give ear to His commandments, 
and keep all His statutes, 
[and] I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Missrems. 
For I, Shehmaa, am your healer.” 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

Monday Evening: 
1. Shehmaa, Eloowwem of your forefathers, 
will increase you a thousandfold more than you are 
and bless you, as He has said to you.” 
2. Inthe place where I have mentioned My name, 
there I will come to you and bless you.” 
3. Blessed is He who said: And it shall come about that when he cries out to Me, 
I will hear, for I am gracious.” 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

Tuesday Morning: 
1. I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries 
when My angel will go before you.” 
2. And you shall serve Shehmaa your Eloowwem, 
and He will bless your bread and your water. 
And I will remove sickness from your midst.” 
3. I will fulfill the number of your days. 
I will send My terror ahead of you, 
and throw into confusion all the people among whom you come 
And I will make all your enemies turn their backs to you.” 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

SP Exodus 14:14 — aalaak "And to Aahrron", kissa 12 

SP Exodus 15:2-3 — aalaak "And to Aahrron", kissa 16 part 2 
SP Exodus 15:26 — aalaak "And Mooshe Led", kissa 1 

SP Exodus 18:24c — aalaak "And Mooshe Led", kissa 14 

SP Exodus 20:21 — aalaak "In the Third Month", kissa 11 

SP Exodus 22:26 — aalaak "In the Third Month", kissa 23 

SP Exodus 23:22 — aalaak "In the Third Month", kissa 27 

SP Exodus 23:25 — aalaak "In the Third Month", kissa 27 

SP Exodus 23:26-7 — aalaak "In the Third Month", kissa 27 


English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

Tuesday Evening: 
Aadaanee Shehmaa — Turn from Your burning anger 
and change Your mind about doing harm to Your people. 
Remember to Abraahm, to Yesaahq, and to Yaaqob, Your servants, 
to whom You swore by Yourself.*° 
And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, 
and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion.” 
And pardon our iniquities and our sins, and give us the inheritance.” 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

Wednesday Morning: 
And I will turn toward you. 
and make you fruitful, 
and multiply you. 
And I will confirm My covenant with you.” 
And I will remember for them the covenant with their ancestors, 
whom I brought out of the land of Missrem in the sight of the nations, 
that I might be their Eloowwem. 
Iam Shehmaa.” 
Shehmaa will bless you and will keep you. 
Shehmaa will make His face radiant upon you, and will be merciful to you. 
Shehmaa will lift up His Faces towards you, and give you peace.” 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

Wednesday Evening: 
And now please, let the power of Aadaanee be great, 
just as You have spoken, saying, 
Shehmaa is slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.” 
Aadaanee Shehmaa, indeed You have seen in Your great mercy, 
my Master, the act of the prophet, righteous and faithful, Mooshe Your servant, 
and in the priesthood of those serving Your holy Dwelling, 
Aahrron and Elaazaar and Itaamaar and Feenahs, 
and in the memory of the worthy Abraahm and Yesaahq and Yaagqob. 
Through their acts, please forgive the iniquity of this people, 
according to the greatness of Your loving-kindness, 
just as You also have forgiven this people, 
from Missrem till now. 
And Shehmaa said, I forgave according to all your words. 

SP Exodus 32:12—13 — aalaak "And He Gave to Mooshe", kissa 3 

SP Exodus 33:19 — aalaak "And He Gave to Mooshe", kissa 10 
SP Exodus 34:9 — aalaak "And He Gave to Mooshe", kissa 11 

SP Leviticus 26:9 — aalaak "If You Walk in My Statutes", kissa 1 
SP Leviticus 26:45 — aalaak "If You Walk in My Statutes", kissa 8 
SP Numbers 6:24—26 — aalaak "Speak to Aahron", kissa 1 

SP Numbers 14:17—18 — aalaak "Send You Men", kissa 8 

SP Numbers 14:19 — aalaak "Send You Men", kissa 8 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

And as I live, 
all the earth will be filled with the Honor of Shehmaa.™ 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

Thursday Morning: 
1. For Jl, a compassionate Shehmaa, your Eloowwem, 
will not fail you, nor destroy you, 
nor forget the covenant with your forefathers 
which He swore to them.” 
2. And know today, 
and take it to your heart, 
that Shehmaa, He is Eloowwem in the heavens above 
and on the earth below. There is no other.” 
3. Praised be our Master the Foremost! 
Praised be the Merciful who never nullifies! 
Praised be Eloowwem! There is no god but the One! 
Hear, Yishraael! Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!*’ 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

Thursday Evening: 
1. For Shehmaa your Eloowwem is in your midst, 
Il, Great and awesome. 
2. Aadaanee Shehmaa, do not destroy Your people, even Your inheritance, 
whom You have redeemed through Your greatness, 
whom You have brought out of Missrem with your strong hand. 
Remember Your servants, 
Abraahm, Yesaahq, and Yaaqob. 
Do not look at the stubbornness of this people, 
or at their wickedness, or their sin.®” 
3. Because Shehmaa your Eloowwem, 
He is the Eloowwee of Eloowwems, and Master of masters, 
the El Great, and the mighty, and the Fearful, 
who does not show partialiity, nor take a bribe.” 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

Friday Morning: 
1. Shehmaa will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, 
to give rain to your land on time, 

SP Numbers 14:20—21 — aalaak "Send You Men", kissa 9 

SP Deuteronomy 4:31 — aalaak "These Are the Words", kissa 26 

SP Deuteronomy 4:39 — aalaak "These Are the Words", kissa 28 

SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

SP Deuteronomy 7:21 — aalaak "When He Shall Bring You", kissa 4 

SP Deuteronomy 9:26—27 — aalaak "When He Shall Bring You", kissa 13 
SP Deuteronomy 10:17 — aalaak "When He Shall Bring You", kissa 17 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

to bless all the work of your hands.” 
2. And Shehmaa is the one who goes ahead of you. 
He will be with you. 
He will not fail you or forsake you. 
Do not fear or be dismayed.” 
3. And your enemies will cringe before you, 
and you will tread upon their high place.” 
Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 

And continue to stand: 
Lauded is Eloowwem! 
There is no god but the One. 
There is no god but the One. 
There is no god but the One! 
Eloowwem of heaven and earth, 
the sea and all that is in it, 
greatness is Yours forever, always! 
YUT — IY — BA— IY 
Shehmaa, Il, compassionate, and gracious, long-patient Face, 
and abounding in loving-kindness and truth.” 

And the worshiper remembers the remembrance: 
Shehmaa, Il, compassionate, and gracious, long-patient Face, 
and abounding in loving-kindness and truth.” 
You called upon Your greatness, 
Shehmaa, Il, compassionate, and gracious. 
You kill and revive, 
and You live alone, 
You sicken and heal, 
And none can save from Your hand, ah, Aadaanee Shehmaa! 

On evenings On mornings 

And may our Eloowwem set it, on this night And may our Eloowwem set it, on this 
which is the morning which is the 

* — on Saturday: first * on Sunday: first 

° on Sunday: second ° on Monday: second 

* on Monday; third * on Tuesday: third 

* on Tuesday: fourth * on Wednesday; fourth 

* on Wednesday: fifth * on Thursday: fifth 

71 SP Deuteronomy 28:12 — aalaak "This is the Day", kissa 5 

72 SP Deuteronomy 31:8 — aalaak "And It Shall Be When All Have Come Upon", kissa 5 
73 SP Deuteronomy 33:29 — aalaak "And It Shall Be When All Have Come Upon", kissa 22 
74 SP Exodus 34:6 — aalaak "And He Gave to Mooshe", kissa 11 

75 SP Exodus 34:6 — aalaak "And He Gave to Mooshe", kissa 11 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

* — on Thursday; Sixth * — on Friday: Sixth 
night of the world’s creation. May Shehmaa set | morning day of the world’s creation. May 
it as blessed, and set blessings upon us and Shehmaa set it as blessed, and set blessings 
upon all our community, and good evenings upon us and upon all our community, and 
from Eloowwem. good mornings from Eloowwem. 

Count the Counting of the Amar and continue... 

Lauded is Eloowwem! 
There is no god but the One. 
There is no god but the One. 

Lauded is Eloowwem! 

There is no god but the One. 
There is no god but the One. 
There is no god but the One. 

Shehmaa, Il, compassionate, and gracious, long-patient Face, 
and abounding in loving-kindness and truth.” 

Bow down prostrate at these words: 
Eternally be worshiped and eternally be praised, 
Ah, the Maker of Creation and all that is in it! 
Shehmaa, Il, compassionate, and gracious, long-patient Face, 
and abounding in loving-kindness and truth. 
Keeping loving-kindness for thousands, 
Who forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin, 
And the innocent He will clear him. 
Punishing the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren, 
to the third and fourth generations. 
And Mooshe made haste, and bowed downwards to the ground and prostrated.”’ 

Sit at these words: 
And he said, If I have found favor in Your sight, Aadaanee, 
let Aadaanee go along in our midst, 
even though the people are so obstinate. 
And pardon our iniquities and our sins, and give us the inheritance.” 
Please, Aadaanee, 
forgive our iniquities and our sins, 

76 SP Exodus 34:6 — aalaak "And He Gave to Mooshe", kissa 11 
77 SP Exodus 34:6—8 — aalaak "And He Gave to Mooshe", kissa 11 
78 SP Exodus 34:9 — aalaak "And He Gave to Mooshe", kissa 11 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

our crimes and our guilt, 

and redeem us from the hand of our enemies and haters, 

and save us from our evil, 

and from the evil of the peoples that surround us. 

And fill us to guard and do this, Your precepts and Your commandments, 
Your laws, Your judgements, and Your teachings, 

On evenings On mornings 

Your evenings, Your mornings, 

and Aargaareezem the House of El, all the days of our lives. 

And release us from the stress that we are in, 
My master! Release us from the stress that we are in, 
And have compassion on us in Your compassion, 
And heaul us in Your great mercy, 
through the act of Mooshe Your faithful servant. 
we are strengthened in Your strength, 
and we cling to You, 
and we circumcise our hearts for awe of You. 
And we Say in full voice: None is like our Shehmaa our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one! 
There is no god but the One. 
Forever, from head to tail, 
There is no god but the One. 
In the evening and the morning, 
There is no god but the One. 
Praise to Your great and victorious Name, 
There is no god but the One. 
Hear, Yishraael! Shehmaa is our Eloowwem! Shehmaa is one!” 

True testimony that is never changed, 
True testimony that is never ever nullified, 
There is no god but the One. 
Say as one mouth, 
I have faith in You, Shehmaa, 
and in Mooshe Your servant, 
and the Holy Toorah, 
and in Aargaareezem the House of El, chosen, holy, choice of lands. 
There is no god but the One! 
I will recall for good forever, 
the prophet, the righteous, the innocent, the pure, 
the faithful Mooshe, son of ‘Aamraam, 

79 SP Deuteronomy 6:4 — aalaak "These are the Words", kissa 37 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

man of Eloowwem, 
prophet of all existence., 
whom Shehmaa sent him upon creation and the Day of Vengeance, 
whom no prophet like him has arose, 
nor will ever come — 
peace of Shehmaa upon him! 
In purity of heart and mouth, 
peace of Shehmaa upon him! 
And upon his house, the pure ones, 
and upon his brothers Aahrron and his sons, the annointed priests, 
priests of eternal JI, 
peace of Shehmaa upon him! 
And upon his fathers and foundations given to humanity, 
peace of Shehmaa upon him! 
And upon his fathers and foundations, the earth’s worthy Abraahm, Yesaahq, and Yaaqob, 
the three worthy masters of existence, 
upon them be peace! 
Of them we pray and say: 
Aadaanee Shehmaa, existing II, 
Aadaanee Shehmaa, eternal II! 
Praised, magnified, exalted, 
worshipped every night and day! 
You are Always, until eternity, 
From creation to the Day of Vengeance. 
Blessed be our Eloowwem forever, 
and blessed be His Name forever. 

The prayer ‘Ah, Il, Merciful and Compassionate” is by Abraahm b. Maarheeb the Safaari, grandfather of Benyamim Tsedaqa. 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Trust of our awe! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! In Your rescue, rescue us! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Redeem us from the hand of those who hate us! 
Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! On the path of good guide us! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Comfort us over our wickedness! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! And forgive our iniquities! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Speedily rescue us! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Renew our joys! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Protect us from our haters! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Lead us, please, Aadaanee, in our midst! 
Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Force the strength of our stressors! 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Press over our oppressors! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! From Your holy sanctum gaze upon us! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Let us recuperate from our strain! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Forgive our iniquities! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Answer our quests! 

Ah, Il, Merciful and Compassionate! Remove the yoke from our necks! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Pour Your pure oil upon us! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Answer our calls! 

Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Argue for us! = onevenings: | On mornings: 

Ah, Il, Merciful and Compassionate! Set us blessed this night} this morn and bless us! 
Ah, Jl, Merciful and Compassionate! Grant mercy and favor on our impoverished, 

and compassion on our dead! 

Shehmaa, a gift for You: thanks for Your greatness! 

Shehmaa, a gift for You: thanks for Your greatness! 

Shehmaa, a gift for You: thanks for Your greatness! 
Ah, Aadaanee Shehmaa, always! 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 
Counting of the Amar 
..And our Eloowwem, set for us on this... 

Saturday Evening: night, which is the 1° night Sunday Morning: = morning, which is the 1“ day 
Sunday Evening: —_ night, which is the 2” night Monday Morning: morning, which is the 2"* day 
Monday Evening: night, whichisthe 3“ night | TuesdayMorning: morning, which is the 3" day 
Tuesday Evening: night, which is the 4" night Wednesday Morning: morning, which is the 4" day 
Wednesday Evening: night, which is the 5" night Thursday Morning: morning, which is the 5" day 
Thursday Evening: night, which is the 6" night Friday Morning: morning, which is the 6" day 

..Of the creation of the world, and on the... 

Week 1 of the Amar: first week Week 2 of the Amar: second week 
Week 3 of the Amar: third week Week 4 of the Amar: fourth week 
Week 5 of the Amar: fifth week Week 6 of the Amar: sixth week 

Week 7 of the Amar: seventh week 
..Of the seven weeks, which is... 

Days 1 through 9: [#] Days 10 through 29: [#] full 

Days 30 through 49: on the count of [#] Day 50: 50 complete 

...days of the fifty days that Shehmaa our Eloowwem commanded, 
the ones which we count. May Shehmaa set this... 

Evening before Second Peasah night on which the second Peasah was kept 
Regular evening: night Day: day 

.... for us as blessed, and bless you and your community, and your... 
Evening: evenings Morning: mornings 

..and your good seasons from Eloowwem. 

And continue with prayer. 

English translation of the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 
Prayer in Memory of the Dead 

Aadaanee Shehmaa, I ask You, 
You and Your compassion and Your glory, 
and our masters Abraahm and and Yesaahq and Yaaqob and Yoosef, 
and Ye’oosha and Keelaab, 
and the holy angels and the gray-haired elders, 
and the Holy Place, [this] Aargaareezem the House of El, 
indeed, this scripture You set that comes before us, 

the holy gift, sent out with will and compassion and grace, 
to shelter the spirit of... 

Your poor servant Your servants the community of Yishraael 
[name] who have died, 

son/daughter of [father’s name] of the sages 

son of [grandfather’s name] and the priests 

the [family name]. and the observant ones. 

Aadaanee Shehmaa, in Your compassion, 

have compassion on him/her, and let his/her spirit dwell in the Garden of Ehden, 
and forgive him/her and all the community of Yishraael 

who bow down towards Aargaareezem the House of El. 

Aamen, Aamen, by the act of Mooshe the Faithful, aamen. 

the Israelite Samaritan Weekday Prayerbook 
compiled by Benyamim Tsedaga 
translated into English by Isaac G. Mayer 
Scriptural passages translated from Benyamim Tsedaqa’s 
The Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah